Fish hook Owner Worm SP-BH
In Ukraine, perhaps, the most famous and popular company producing hooks is Owner. It is…

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Fishing in still water
What is different fishing in stagnant water First of all, it was noticed that the…

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Fishing in june
June - spit on fish - many fishermen know this proverb. And indeed, if you…

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Self-made feeding trough from a disposable syringe
Today, almost all anglers who prefer bottom fishing use feeders for feeding fish. In any…


sprays with summer

Preparing for spring carp fishing

Probably everyone knows these principles of spring fishing. But today we will try to talk in detail about the carp’s behavior in the spring, in order to fully meet ice-free reservoirs and have time before the ban to indulge oneself with several “test” tails.
First of all, you need to understand that with the onset of warming the carp every day more and more intensively begins to prepare for spawning. Therefore, carp fishing can be divided into “before spawning” and “after spawning”.
From the moment of snow melting, the water level in the water bodies rises, and the coastal areas turn out to be under water. Continue reading

Tips on choosing a used outboard motor
When buying a device such as a boat motor, do not rush. Especially if this…


Fishing in the winter. How to catch a chub?
Summer is considered to be the best time to catch a chub, however, with the…


The hunter's imprisonment
In its variety of fishing methods, winter fishing is by no means inferior to open-water…
