Self-made feeding trough from a disposable syringe
Today, almost all anglers who prefer bottom fishing use feeders for feeding fish. In any…

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Fishing in august
Still warm but cool in the evening Gradually, the summer heat subsides. At first it…

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Ice screws - an important element of the fisherman’s winter outfit
In the run-up to winter, many experienced fishermen and amateurs face a difficult task, namely,…

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Why keep fishing records?
In this article we will try to reveal all the advantages of maintaining fishing statistics…


bridge supports

Nature and types of water bodies in central Sweden

The central part of the country consists mainly of forests and agricultural areas. Most of the territory is a plain, in particular in the region of the largest lakes of the country – Vänern, Vättern, Elmarin and Mälaren. Then the nature gradually changes, and the plain gives way to the forest. The whole of central Sweden is distinguished by a great diversity of nature and water bodies, which guarantees successful, diverse fishing.
In the large lakes of central Sweden – Mälaren, Elmarin, Vättern, Vänern – allowed
fishing sports methods.
Characteristics of reservoirs
Central Sweden has it all: from many thousands of small forest lakes to countless large and small nutrient-rich plain lakes.
Large rivers Clarelven and Dahalven flow through central Sweden, on the border of central and northern Sweden the Jusnan river flows. Dahlälven flows from northwest to southeast and flows into the Baltic Sea about 150 kilometers north of Stockholm. Continue reading

Portable chairs for fishing

Morning dawn on the river bank. The sun is still only marked by a soft pink border in the east. Not a single whiff of breeze disturbs willow branches and motionless reeds that bow down to the water. A light mist rises above the water, you can see how the water striders are sweeping back and forth. Today is fishing. You can forget about all your worries, troubles and troubles. Today is a rest.
Nowadays you rarely meet a person who would refuse to leave a stuffy apartment and spend the weekend somewhere on the shore of the reservoir. And how nice it is to fish the fish, cook the fish soup, or just swim and sunbathe, with the family, or with friends. Continue reading

Match Fishing Tips

The material contains answers to frequently asked questions by young anglers. The topics discussed will be of interest to those who already have the experience and skills of fishing. Difference of opinion on the same question helps to find useful truth.
Which match rod (light, medium, heavy) is better for fishing on the river, if you catch bream, roach or line?
How to choose a coil to match the fishing rod, so as not to spoil the line?
If there are three identical floats of different weight, which one will be more sensitive?
Is there a relationship between the internal diameter of the shock absorber, which is equipped with a rod and the size of the fish you plan to catch?
Catching a plug into the drive requires a large amount of free space for detachable knees and other equipment. Standing in the water, it will be a torment. The only option is to catch from a long and wide bridge. Fishing for match fishing rod
Which match rod (light, medium, heavy) is better for fishing on the river, if you catch bream, roach or line? Continue reading

Ice screws - an important element of the fisherman’s winter outfit
In the run-up to winter, many experienced fishermen and amateurs face a difficult task, namely,…


Selection of fly fishing rods
There are so many tackles in real fishermen for catching this or that fish, and…


Features catching carp float fishing rod
During the summer period, a crucian is caught using mainly a float rod. This allows,…
