Ice screws – an important element of the fisherman’s winter outfit
In the run-up to winter, many experienced fishermen and amateurs face a difficult task, namely, the choice and purchase of an ice drill. This element of the winter outfit can be attributed to the main fishing accessories. Why?
Choice of ice screw
Firstly, the fisherman will simply have nothing to do on the pond if he does not have an ice drill. Without it, even an experienced angler will not be able to drill a hole. Of course, you can borrow an ice drill for a while from your comrades, but this is not a solution either.
Secondly, given our climatic conditions, the fisherman will be forced to miss the entire winter season, if he does not have ice screws. It should be noted that high-quality products do an excellent job with cutting ice, while pushing its remnants on the surface.
Ice diameter – one of the main selection criteria!
Before you buy a particular model, it is worth considering certain factors. For example, quite a lot depends on the size of the intended fish. It is worth noting that small diameters are suitable for catching perch, roach or medium-sized pike. For this purpose, devices with a diameter of 110 millimeters cope quite often.
However, universal tools for winter fishing are products with a drilling diameter of 130 millimeters. Making a hole of this diameter is not at all difficult. In such a hole you can get almost any size of fish.
Quite popular are the holes with a drilling diameter of more than 130 millimeters. As a rule, they are purchased for fishing, not only with the help of a balancer or fishing rod, but also for a stubby. Making the hole bigger will be a little more difficult, but it will be much easier to remove large fish.
Most often experienced anglers seek to acquire not one, but several ice-drills of various drilling diameters. However, the purchase of these devices for fishing in the winter period requires considerable expenses.
How to choose an ice drill
The choice of ice screws Ukrainian or foreign manufacturer
A wide range of products, presented in various stores, often leads the buyer to bewilderment. Why do some fishermen decide to give preference to the ice drill of domestic production, others – foreign? What is the difference?
The advantages of Ukrainian icebreakers include:
low cost of the product;
selection of knives for the drill at an affordable price, or their easy sharpening.
However, Ukrainian ice-drills have a relatively small model range.
If we talk about the release of similar products of foreign samples, it is worth highlighting the following main advantages:
excellent quality of the used material and high-quality assembly;
the ability to drill ice of various structures due to the special angle of sharpening knives;
ice drilling efficiency along with ease of use.
However, imported ice screws are more expensive than Ukrainian counterparts and their purchase is not always justified.
Other important features
Before you buy an ice screw for fishing, you should determine its varieties. Nowadays, the use of motorized electric drills, which are electrically driven, has become increasingly common. Considerably popular are products equipped with gas or gasoline engines. Ultra-modern devices for winter fishing admire not only its reliability, but also the incredible speed of drilling holes.
Models of motoledobur are used to create new holes, as well as for drilling already existing ones.
However, manual ice screws are still often used to catch small fish. With their help, it is possible to significantly save their money and strength. But the small hole will freeze much faster.
In order for the chosen equipment for winter fishing to serve its owner for a long time, it is necessary to properly care for it. Before you buy this or that model, you should consult with a specialist. The managers of store will tell about the features of the device and the secrets of caring for them.
A true angler seeks to enjoy the process of catching. However, everyone wants to achieve a certain result. With the help of a suitable and high-quality icebreaker, winter fishing for a real angler will be not only enjoyable, but also rewarding.