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Fishing in august
Still warm but cool in the evening Gradually, the summer heat subsides. At first it…

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Fishing in august

Still warm but cool in the evening
Gradually, the summer heat subsides. At first it is almost imperceptible, but it will rain – and day by day the coolness will become more insistent. In the meantime, a clear and hot August is a welcome time. This month, bread is harvested. Hot midday hot breathes all the herbs, dry lands and ravines have not yet burnt out.
The coolest time of the day is observed before the morning dawn, although it is fresh throughout the night.
In the lowlands and floodplains, fog spreads in the evening, wrapping herbs, bushes and trees. Abundant dew then long kept on mature greenery. Despite the coolness of the night, the days are set clear, warm.
Summer is gradually leaving. Evenings are now short, it takes longer to wait for the morning. But how bright and cheerful it is in the deep August sky! As if autumn is not expected.
And she is already on the threshold. Bird flocks have increased significantly. Tetereva now hold near compressed fields. Feathers they have significantly decreased – molted.
Young animals are so grown up that with a quick look you can not distinguish it from adults.
Young stock finishes age molting. Sometimes young predators are accompanied by an old male – he teaches cunning and dexterity. Do not miss the wild berries that come across on the way: they love to eat raspberries and blueberries.
Herds of wild boars graze around deaf forest swamps in floodplains. Separately, only male billgoers walk. Wild pigs feed on rhizomes of aquatic plants. By the end of the summer, you accumulate a lot of starch and sugar in these rhizomes, and striped boars eat off on them.
By the way, young hogs have already begun to change the striped “pajamas” to “bristly zipun”,
In August, perch fishery is improving, spinning and on the track, especially in lakes and large ponds; Ide and chub – in the rivers, on the frog. Often on this nozzle takes a pike and a perch. Good takes a carp. The heat subsides, the nights become cool, the water cools and brightens, the fish again goes to deeper places, the biting is noticeably revived, especially in the second half of the month. Catching predators by spinning is incomparable. Pike, pike perch, large perch and even ide begin to eagerly take a lure, a dead fish on a rig. On the donkey and piercer, the frog becomes seductive for the pike and chub, for ide – perlovitsa meat. At the end of July – early August, accounted for mass flight of mayflies. It lasts only a few days in clear and calm weather. At this time, biting completely stops. But if you hook one or several mayflies on the hook, the bite can be successful. True, they are hard to plant because of the tenderness of the calf, but the fisherman will be rewarded.
Particularly interesting fry fishing
Water in the reservoirs gradually
it becomes more transparent: fewer microorganisms remain in it. And in purer water, a fish can already notice a bait from a long distance, both natural (animal or vegetable) and artificial.
In August, fishing for fry and spinning is improving, especially in lakes and large bodies of water. In rivers on the frog you can catch pike and perch. Successful fishing roach on the grasshopper among aquatic vegetation. Everywhere she is caught by float fishing rods in a plumb line on a bloodworm, a worm, a caddis larva and a worm from the mold. In grassy thickets in royal waters, roach, rudd, busters peck; on clean places – bream. Particularly interesting at this time fishing in fry. He is eagerly grabbed among the algae, snags and reeds perch and pike.
In the second half of the month, there is a slight decrease in night-time air temperature (naturally, and water), which noticeably improves the bite, as the fish, feeling the cold autumn is coming, and then winter, will be more actively looking for food. But this zhora is still far away. While considered the most successful fishing in the dawns.
From the middle of August, the season of catching predatory fish by spinning, walking and circles begins. Nibble perch weakens, and the catfish stops.
With a decrease in water temperature, algae die. It is becoming more and more difficult for predatory fish to hunt young fry by this time. Therefore, having come to the place of fishing, it is necessary to establish where predatory fish can be found in this reservoir: at depth, in shallow places, near grass, near the shore or in the middle.
For example, catfish, old pikes, perches and perches live in deep, snagging pits and basins, under steep shores with a quiet current or whirlpools. Chub loves to stand near bridges, piles, near sunken beams under a dam.
Fishermen know that any non-predatory fish (roach, crucian carp, rudd, bleak, and even gudgeon) bites well on colored grains of cereals.
You can also use such bait on roach, crucian carp and white bream: egg yolk is placed in a vial with a wide neck, a piece of cotton wool is dipped into it and then placed on a fine hook – the fish bite instantly. By the way, the nozzle can withstand a few poklevok!
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