Match Fishing Tips
The material contains answers to frequently asked questions by young anglers. The topics discussed will…

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July fishing
July is probably the very month of the summer season, when the sun is warming…

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With the advent of summer, what does a real man need? Of course, fishing! Only…

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Fishing in june
June - spit on fish - many fishermen know this proverb. And indeed, if you…


cord will also contribute

Nature and types of water bodies in central Sweden

The central part of the country consists mainly of forests and agricultural areas. Most of the territory is a plain, in particular in the region of the largest lakes of the country – Vänern, Vättern, Elmarin and Mälaren. Then the nature gradually changes, and the plain gives way to the forest. The whole of central Sweden is distinguished by a great diversity of nature and water bodies, which guarantees successful, diverse fishing.
In the large lakes of central Sweden – Mälaren, Elmarin, Vättern, Vänern – allowed
fishing sports methods.
Characteristics of reservoirs
Central Sweden has it all: from many thousands of small forest lakes to countless large and small nutrient-rich plain lakes.
Large rivers Clarelven and Dahalven flow through central Sweden, on the border of central and northern Sweden the Jusnan river flows. Dahlälven flows from northwest to southeast and flows into the Baltic Sea about 150 kilometers north of Stockholm. Continue reading

Summer bream fishing

Summer bream angling in non-flowing and flowing water bodies is quite different from each other. Say, in the river, in the daytime, he tries to stick to one section, while in the lake or in the reservoir one can observe his active movement. In the morning and evening feeding bream prefers to appear in shallow areas, while closer to noon he likes the deep-water areas more. In the case of a sharp change in the weather, he generally falls into the pits.
Choosing a place for future fishing, it should be remembered that the bream prefers to feed near the ravines close to the shore. The most intense seasons of the bream are the first two summer months: June and July. True, much depends on the climate of the region. Morning and evening dawn, as well as night are considered to be the best time to go. At this time, the fish comes closest to the shore. Continue reading

Fishing in still water

What is different fishing in stagnant water
First of all, it was noticed that the fish in a closed reservoir does not hold in one place, as is typical for rivers. If river dwellers adapt to the speed of water movement, the depth, then with only one goal – to fill the belly with smaller brethren or vegetable food that carries current. In the reservoir, the goals are the same, conditions change. Flocks of fish, drawn by collective instinct, migrate after their moving food. The flocks of insects that lay off their offspring at the upper water edge, small representatives of the river fauna accumulated at the bottom, and other local cereal places.
It is very important to know the relief of the bottom and the individual preferences of the fish for which you are prepared to communicate. Continue reading

Fishing in still water
What is different fishing in stagnant water First of all, it was noticed that the…


How to limit the casting distance spinning?
Whatever type of fishing we would use, sooner or later the question of the accuracy…


Tips on choosing a used outboard motor
When buying a device such as a boat motor, do not rush. Especially if this…
