Tips on choosing a used outboard motor
When buying a device such as a boat motor, do not rush. Especially if this…

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Fishing in the Khabarovsk Territory
The Khabarovsk Territory is a corner of our country, clean from industrial pollution, with magnificent…

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Interesting facts about fishing
Fishing is an entertaining and interesting hobby of many men. Useful leisure, combined with an…

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July fishing
July is probably the very month of the summer season, when the sun is warming…


almost impossible

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Nature and types of water bodies in central Sweden

The central part of the country consists mainly of forests and agricultural areas. Most of the territory is a plain, in particular in the region of the largest lakes of the country – Vänern, Vättern, Elmarin and Mälaren. Then the nature gradually changes, and the plain gives way to the forest. The whole of central Sweden is distinguished by a great diversity of nature and water bodies, which guarantees successful, diverse fishing.
In the large lakes of central Sweden – Mälaren, Elmarin, Vättern, Vänern – allowed
fishing sports methods.
Characteristics of reservoirs
Central Sweden has it all: from many thousands of small forest lakes to countless large and small nutrient-rich plain lakes.
Large rivers Clarelven and Dahalven flow through central Sweden, on the border of central and northern Sweden the Jusnan river flows. Dahlälven flows from northwest to southeast and flows into the Baltic Sea about 150 kilometers north of Stockholm. Continue reading

Portable chairs for fishing

Morning dawn on the river bank. The sun is still only marked by a soft pink border in the east. Not a single whiff of breeze disturbs willow branches and motionless reeds that bow down to the water. A light mist rises above the water, you can see how the water striders are sweeping back and forth. Today is fishing. You can forget about all your worries, troubles and troubles. Today is a rest.
Nowadays you rarely meet a person who would refuse to leave a stuffy apartment and spend the weekend somewhere on the shore of the reservoir. And how nice it is to fish the fish, cook the fish soup, or just swim and sunbathe, with the family, or with friends. Continue reading


With the advent of summer, what does a real man need? Of course, fishing! Only she can bring real pleasure after a whole year of hard work. Since most people go on vacation in summer, it is at this time that you can see the river, seeded with rubber boats that sway freely on the waves.
Fish – being unpredictable. In one day you can catch a whole bucket, and in another go empty-handed. So how do you determine when and where to go with a fishing rod? Any lake that has looked at you or a river can become a place. Continue reading

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Korean winter fishing
Recently, one of the good friends of the site returned from a business trip…


We catch spring pike
Spring is the best time to catch pike. During the winter, the fish became hungry…


July fishing
July is probably the very month of the summer season, when the sun is warming…
