How to fish a fish?
What angler does not dream of catching a big fish? Such that fishing will be…

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The choice of gear for catching on the current
A special type of fishing on the current requires a special outfit, ranging from a…

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What to put on the coil? What is the difference between fishing line and braid?
For many decades, fishermen from all over the world caught on a nylon fishing line…

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Fishing in the Khabarovsk Territory
The Khabarovsk Territory is a corner of our country, clean from industrial pollution, with magnificent…


crucian is usually well

Sweeteners in fishing

The modern fisherman needs not only to study well the habits of the fish and the many ways of catching it, but also to be aware of the variety of baits, baits and attractants, which appear more and more with each season. Today we talk about sweeteners, which can be bought separately or in a set with flavors or bait. In general, each time entering the fishing store, you meet more and more new accessories. And there are not only new types of already known components for fishing, but in general new accessories as a class. We lived without flavors, dips, boilies, but gradually began to get used to them, and these things have become absolutely necessary for many anglers. But with each season there are all new jars and sachets, which are additionally advised to add to the bait. Sweetener – what is it, why is it needed at all and is it needed? Today and talk about it. Continue reading

I want to go fishing for white fish

We decided to go fishing for white fish. What does white fish mean?
Fishermen call white fish a fish that feeds mainly on vegetable food and is caught mostly on a float rod.
What do we need on such a fishing?
First of all, you need to be well aware of which reservoir we go fishing for white fish. The fish will peck on the bait that she used to feed in the pond. And even the advice of an experienced sales assistant will not help unless you specifically know the reservoir. If you eat on an unfamiliar body of water, for insurance you need to take several types of bait, with the expectation that the fish will bite on some of the baits.
What are the bait on white fish?
If it is a rudd, a roach, a bream, there is useful maggot, pea mastyrka, pearl barley.
If the carp, then in the hot time mastyrka and talker of semolina. If cool, then bloodworm. If we catch carp, then corn and dung-worm are good baits. Continue reading

The choice of gear for catching on the current

A special type of fishing on the current requires a special outfit, ranging from a suitable fishing rod, ending with hooks, floats and weights. Yes, and the choice of fishing line is not the last value. Let’s try to figure out what tackles for the tide used by experienced fishermen.
Choosing a fishing rod for the current
A tackle for fishing on a current is first of all a Bologna or a universal fishing pole, which allows fishing both in the far distance in a strong current and in calm water near the coastal line. This is the best option, justifying even the relatively high price of this fishing rod. Successful fishing will be, if properly pick up to her weights and floats. Continue reading

Fishing in june
June - spit on fish - many fishermen know this proverb. And indeed, if you…


Fishing in august
Still warm but cool in the evening Gradually, the summer heat subsides. At first it…


Why keep fishing records?
In this article we will try to reveal all the advantages of maintaining fishing statistics…
