Korean winter fishing
Recently, one of the good friends of the site makuha.com.ua returned from a business trip…

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Nature and types of water bodies in central Sweden
The central part of the country consists mainly of forests and agricultural areas. Most of…

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Baikal fishing
The sun, calm and silence. And only occasionally you can hear the crackle of ice,…

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As fishing in the wiring for bream turned into a hunt
It was in July. My friend and I decided to go to the river for…


enjoy playing in a casino


With the advent of summer, what does a real man need? Of course, fishing! Only she can bring real pleasure after a whole year of hard work. Since most people go on vacation in summer, it is at this time that you can see the river, seeded with rubber boats that sway freely on the waves.
Fish – being unpredictable. In one day you can catch a whole bucket, and in another go empty-handed. So how do you determine when and where to go with a fishing rod? Any lake that has looked at you or a river can become a place. Continue reading

July fishing

July is probably the very month of the summer season, when the sun is warming with all its might. For a fisherman, this month can be described as not the best when you can count on a rich catch. Everything is explained quite simply. The upper layers of the water surface are heated to temperatures that are not comfortable for the fish, the more so this manifests itself in places of shallow water. As a result, almost all the fish goes to a depth, or lives in places where there are a large number of bottom springs. In the afternoon, when there is a quiet hot weather, in most cases it is not necessary to count on a good catch. Therefore, fishing in the July days will be more practical if the day is rainy and overcast. Also the best time for fishing in July will be the morning hours, when the sunrise is just rising. Continue reading

How to lure fish in the winter?

Many, going on winter fishing, must take with them bait in the form of boiled cereals, mixes. Everyone prepares such bait depending on the fish to which the fisherman is going. Most often such a fish in the winter is roach, bream, perch, white bream, blue bream, dace. And the most popular bait in this case is the cake from sunflower seeds. But is such a bait so effective?
The first mistake of the fisher – many consider sunflower cake universal bait. It really is. Most fish react very well to it. But, nevertheless, each fish still chooses a special bait.
Cake for bait in the winter
If you went fishing for more or less large fish, then sunflower oilcake is not suitable here. He has the ability to collect around him small fish, which will jam the bite of large specimens. The same applies to breadcrumbs – they also collect small change to the place that was fed up. Nibble will not be bad, but the quality of the fish will be better. Continue reading

Sweeteners in fishing
The modern fisherman needs not only to study well the habits of the fish and…


Winter fishing roach
A dace is a schooling fish and its search can be crowned with success only…


Fishing in the Khabarovsk Territory
The Khabarovsk Territory is a corner of our country, clean from industrial pollution, with magnificent…
