Fishing is the best outdoor recreation.
It is known that many men are happy to spend time on the beach with…

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Secrets of catching lin
Basically, in rivers and other water bodies, lines reach a weight of 600 grams, but…

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Portable chairs for fishing
Morning dawn on the river bank. The sun is still only marked by a soft…

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With son on fishing
What do modern children do in their free time? They spend a huge amount of…


medium-sized fish

As fishing in the wiring for bream turned into a hunt

It was in July. My friend and I decided to go to the river for bream. We got up early, about three o’clock, took the boat and went fishing. Since they were going to catch on the stream, they gathered the floor of a bucket of chernozem (so that the bait was washed out longer). As bait, we used a makuha, boiled peas and barley. They were going to catch on pearl barley, moldy worm, worm and protein honey mastyrka. We went out into the water in the dark, became about five meters upstream from the supposed pit, put on a dozen medium-sized balls from bait and threw them so that, on the stream created, the float floated as accurately as possible. They laid out their six-meter carbon fiber rods (you need to enjoy fishing, not to think about when you can put the rod and rest), but they didn’t catch it right away. As a rule, right after bait, usually small fish fits – roach, buster, bleak, etc. Continue reading

Selection of fly fishing rods

There are so many tackles in real fishermen for catching this or that fish, and no one of them is confused in this diversity, despite all sorts of trivia, which sometimes distinguish one fishing pole from another. For example, one of the most fascinating types of fishing – fly fishing – requires serious knowledge and training from a fisherman and a competent choice of gear. A huge selection of tackle such as fly fishing rods has appeared on the fishing gear market.
They are used when fly fishing – this method of fishing on an artificial fly with the use of special tackle. Continue reading

We catch spring pike

Spring is the best time to catch pike. During the winter, the fish became hungry and became very active, while forgetting about caution. At first it may seem that wherever you put your gear, there will be a bite everywhere, but not everything is so simple. It is during the spring months that spawning occurs, and then the pike does not react even to the most “tasty” and attractive lures.
When is the pike and its behavior pecking?
The ideal time is the beginning of March. Rivers and streams are freed from ice, the water is filled with oxygen, and the spawning time has not yet come, and then the fish bite on almost any bait.
The advantage of fishing at such a time is the absence of hot sun, mosquitoes and midges.
Before spawning, the fish is aggressive and very hungry after a long winter, with great eagerness it takes even not very high-quality and cheap bait, because before the appearance of offspring one must have time to satisfy his hunger. Continue reading

Secrets of catching lin
Basically, in rivers and other water bodies, lines reach a weight of 600 grams, but…


Spinning fishing on pike
Spinning fishing on pike Gambling anglers are closer in spirit to spinning pike fishing -…


Fishing is the best outdoor recreation.
It is known that many men are happy to spend time on the beach with…
