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How to fish a fish?

What angler does not dream of catching a big fish? Such that fishing will be remembered for many years, and maybe even for a lifetime. It is the process of pulling out can be the culmination of all fishing, and how the angler will manage the rod, the reel, his experience and whether his trophy will be on the beach or not.
When fishing on the top of the carp or other carp tackle, there are frequent cases of catching large carp, and the process of hauling fish can take a lot of time. Depending on the fishing conditions, hatching, for example, a five-kilogram carp may take ten minutes, twenty or even more. Here is the main experience. Well, he, as you know, comes with time, with torn gears and shouts of disappointment. In order to acquire this invaluable experience and learn how to properly feel the fish and the capabilities of the gear used, first of all, we need practice and of course some theory. Here’s a theory today and talk.
Skipping the huge stages of fishing – the preparation of gear and equipment, the search for fishing grounds, the feeding process, the selection of nozzles, let’s move immediately to the culmination of fishing – to biting, but not simple, but really large fish, the correctness of which is of particular importance.
Poklevka large fish, as a rule, different from the little things. If for a long time you catch crucians, podsleschiki and got used to their bites, then when a large bream or carp finally bite it, it will be felt immediately. Such fish peck differently, but not necessarily sharply and confidently. Large specimens have grown to such a size due to the fact that they have learned to think about what kind of food they take in their mouths. As a rule, behind the tugs or sharp jerks comes a confident pull. The main thing is to choose the time of cutting.
If you hook too early, the baited hook may simply pop out of the fish’s mouth without hitting it. If it is late, then the fish may swallow the hook too deeply, which will lead to more injury to it, or just have time to free itself from the hook.
When cutting is done, the angler, holding the rod, determines what size the fish is on the other end of the gear. This is not difficult to do, and even with a small experience of catching, jerks and resistance of trophy specimens will be immediately felt.
When driving out, the main thing to remember is the following rule:
The chance to successfully bring the fish to the shore and lead it to the landing net increases with its fatigue.
That is, you never need to force events. Newbies often make the same mistake, thinking: “The sooner I bring the fish to the shore, the less there will be chances for it to break.” This is not true! The main thing here is to exhaust the fish, weaken its jerks and the ability to make sharp movements. If the coil friction and the rod work properly, do not let up the slack and do not cause the leash to overload, then you can remove almost any fish.
You know that a three-kilogram carp is brought out with a leash designed for a breaking load of one and a half kilograms, and this despite the fact that there are also knots on the leash that further reduce its strength. This is achieved by damping jerks with a rod, a reel friction clutch, and a “cold” head of an angler.
Very much depends on the quality of the coil friction and its settings. At the first stages of removal the brake should be tightened slightly. At this stage, the jerks of the fish are the strongest and the reel should react faster to the sharp tensions of the fishing line. When letting the fish down, when it feels like it is starting to weaken, the brake is clamped more, and the winding is done more confidently.
Pumping the fish
You can often hear the expression “pumping” or “pumping out” fish. What does it mean? When vyvazhivanii should tighten the fish rod, and then, giving it forward, exhausting the slack coil, and so time after time.
Consider the inference process itself in order:
When driving out, hold the rod up, not just above your head, but pointing a little away from you. So the load will be transferred to the tip of the rod more. Reel up
Do not allow the slack of the fishing line or cord. Tackle must be taut, slack fishing line is a direct path to the loss of fish.
If the fish goes to you, pull up the rod and reel the fishing line, if away from you, then tilt the rod slightly forward, the brush should be relaxed at the same time and be able to react to the slack in time. We output the fish correctly
“Swing” fish when breeding:
Pull the rod to itself (the fish goes to you);
Slowly lower the fishing rod, at the same time a slack is formed, which we remove at the same time, reeling the coil (the fish sinks to the bottom, but continues to “go” towards the angler);
Again, pull the bait;
We do all the movements smoothly and confidently. We pump out the fish by the method
Even a half kilogram fish is better to plant in the net. So we keep a thin leash from the cliff, and the fish will be less likely to break the hook. Podsak lowered into the water and with a rod we get fish over it. We do not catch fish like a butterfly with a podsak, but we start fish in a podsak! Use landing net when breeding fish
It is important to note that before fishing you need to consider the chosen fishing place. When approaching the fish, the fish will try to escape to the reeds, to the bluffs.

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