How to lure fish in the winter?
Many, going on winter fishing, must take with them bait in the form of boiled…

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Fishing in the winter. How to catch a chub?
Summer is considered to be the best time to catch a chub, however, with the…

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With the advent of summer, what does a real man need? Of course, fishing! Only…

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Match Fishing Tips
The material contains answers to frequently asked questions by young anglers. The topics discussed will…


bright colors

To make fishing fun

Ice fishing – a popular form of recreation in our country. However, people do not always know how to organize it. Ice fishing requires particularly strict adherence to the rules of behavior.
When planning a fishing trip, warn family or friends about your whereabouts and return time. Be sure to bring along a mobile phone and a life jacket. Try not to go fishing one by one – a friend will always hedge in case of an emergency. Continue reading

Fish hook Owner Worm SP-BH

In Ukraine, perhaps, the most famous and popular company producing hooks is Owner. It is about this manufacturer say when it comes to good quality hooks. Although even in proven stores it is often possible to find a fake under this brand, but still there are “real” hooks, and their quality continues to delight many.
The severity of Ovner products is very good. Most importantly, high-quality wire gives really great durability to the sharpness of hooks. Some fishermen believe that they are dulled more slowly than products of other manufacturers. But the price is slightly higher than the competition. The most prestigious models of hooks are supplied with other, more expensive packaging. Although the quality they are no different from the same models in simple bags. Continue reading

Fishing carp.

What can be unusual in the behavior of the most ordinary fish? The carp is known to everyone since childhood, and it was this fish that was for many the first fishing trophy. Good fertility and ubiquity – forcing many, is not very respectful of this fish. Although crucian carp is already a worthy opponent for any angler. Strength, endurance and ingenuity – this is what makes many people look for meetings with this fish.
The word “crucian” has a masculine gender, but there is still debate about whether there are crucians males. Indeed found many reservoirs where they live alone females. And they spawn together with other fish. Their spawn can be fertilized by a male carp, bream, tench or roach. Although the present fertilization still does not work, the caviar seems to be activated for development, as a result, only a small crucian carp of the female appears.
“Karasin paths” about this, not many people know. Continue reading

Fishing in june
June - spit on fish - many fishermen know this proverb. And indeed, if you…


July fishing
July is probably the very month of the summer season, when the sun is warming…


Secrets of catching lin
Basically, in rivers and other water bodies, lines reach a weight of 600 grams, but…
