As fishing in the wiring for bream turned into a hunt
It was in July. My friend and I decided to go to the river for…

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July fishing
July is probably the very month of the summer season, when the sun is warming…

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Diamond cut
Caranx is a fish from the order of perciformes, family of mackerel. Residents of the…

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Fishing in the winter. How to catch a chub?
Summer is considered to be the best time to catch a chub, however, with the…


long time

The dependence of fish biting on the weather

Each angler determines his own factors for biting. Experienced fishermen are based on personal experience of observing the weather, analyzing their records, observing nature, communicating with colleagues, and what else. For successful fishing you should try to take into account all possible natural factors. To compare them and, making sure that nature is favorable to the angler, you can safely go fishing.
And since fishing cannot be all clear and well known, the topic of weather conditions requires constant addition and search for new truths. Let’s try to understand them. Continue reading

Winter fishing roach

A dace is a schooling fish and its search can be crowned with success only with good knowledge of the reservoir, habits of this fish, features of fishing and many other nuances. In the summer, it is much easier to find roach, because the fish is active and constantly in search of food. In winter, things are a little different.
When the temperature of the upper layer of water drops to 4 degrees, the fish breaks up into dense flocks and goes to the wintering pits. The pit can be from 4 meters to 15, and in very large bodies of water up to 30 meters. It should be noted that the larger the area has a reservoir, the harder it is to find fish in it. And here we come to the aid of the modern miracle of technology – the echo sounder. If one is not available, then you have to search manually, which will be discussed further. Continue reading

Diamond cut

Caranx is a fish from the order of perciformes, family of mackerel. Residents of the Hawaiian Islands consider this underwater resident a symbol of courage and unprecedented strength. Why? It’s very simple – when fishermen catch this fish, it starts to fight and resist what they have. To do this, she wriggles in circular motions and tries to go under the water.
Karanks live in the waters of the Red Sea, as well as near the coast of Thailand, Indonesia, the Philippines and Malaysia. A large number of giant quranks live off the Hawaiian islands and off the coast of Africa. Another name for this fish: carambisi, jack, king-fish, ulus, turum.
What does the giant quranx look like?
The mass of this fish is simply amazing! Continue reading

Diamond cut
Caranx is a fish from the order of perciformes, family of mackerel. Residents of the…


What to put on the coil? What is the difference between fishing line and braid?
For many decades, fishermen from all over the world caught on a nylon fishing line…


Fishing in june
June - spit on fish - many fishermen know this proverb. And indeed, if you…
