Selection of fly fishing rods
There are so many tackles in real fishermen for catching this or that fish, and…

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Korean winter fishing
Recently, one of the good friends of the site returned from a business trip…

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Korean winter fishing
Recently, one of the good friends of the site returned from a business trip…

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Secrets of catching lin
Basically, in rivers and other water bodies, lines reach a weight of 600 grams, but…


sounders appeared


With the advent of summer, what does a real man need? Of course, fishing! Only she can bring real pleasure after a whole year of hard work. Since most people go on vacation in summer, it is at this time that you can see the river, seeded with rubber boats that sway freely on the waves.
Fish – being unpredictable. In one day you can catch a whole bucket, and in another go empty-handed. So how do you determine when and where to go with a fishing rod? Any lake that has looked at you or a river can become a place. Continue reading

The hunter’s imprisonment

In its variety of fishing methods, winter fishing is by no means inferior to open-water fishing. Bales, balancers, zherlitsy, mormyshki: all these tackles are very popular among Ukrainian fishermen.
Fishing on the unwashable mormyshku
If on the first ice you can take a strong fishing rod in your hands, equip it with an impressive size balance and move from the hole to the hole in search of the ardent bite of the toothed queen of reservoirs – pike, then in the period of deafness, which, unfortunately, lasts much longer than the first ice , you have to go to catching the jig and put the large lures in the closet in the attic or where far away.
One of the most, at first glance, easy ways to catch fish in the winter is catching mormyshku. Continue reading

Fishing in the Khabarovsk Territory

The Khabarovsk Territory is a corner of our country, clean from industrial pollution, with magnificent forests and transparent rivers. Fishing is practiced in mountain rivers, on the Amur coast, and in lakes. For lovers of fishing here are just heavenly places. A very popular among fishermen is rafting down a mountain river with stop fishing on taimen reaching 40 kg.
On the rivers Urak, Ulya, Ketanda and their tributaries they fish for coho, chum salmon, char, kundzha, grayling. In the waters of the Lena water basin, pike and perch are perfectly caught. Fishing is possible both from the shore and from an inflatable boat with a motor. Continue reading

Self-made feeding trough from a disposable syringe
Today, almost all anglers who prefer bottom fishing use feeders for feeding fish. In any…


The dependence of fish biting on the weather
Each angler determines his own factors for biting. Experienced fishermen are based on personal experience…


With son on fishing
What do modern children do in their free time? They spend a huge amount of…
