What to put on the coil? What is the difference between fishing line and braid?
For many decades, fishermen from all over the world caught on a nylon fishing line…

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How to lure fish in the winter?
Many, going on winter fishing, must take with them bait in the form of boiled…

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Baikal fishing
The sun, calm and silence. And only occasionally you can hear the crackle of ice,…

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How to lure fish in the winter?
Many, going on winter fishing, must take with them bait in the form of boiled…


Fishing in the Khabarovsk Territory

The Khabarovsk Territory is a corner of our country, clean from industrial pollution, with magnificent forests and transparent rivers. Fishing is practiced in mountain rivers, on the Amur coast, and in lakes. For lovers of fishing here are just heavenly places. A very popular among fishermen is rafting down a mountain river with stop fishing on taimen reaching 40 kg.
On the rivers Urak, Ulya, Ketanda and their tributaries they fish for coho, chum salmon, char, kundzha, grayling. In the waters of the Lena water basin, pike and perch are perfectly caught. Fishing is possible both from the shore and from an inflatable boat with a motor.
Be sure to visit the wonderful river Matai with wonderful surrounding nature. Here, mainly in the deep pits of the lower reaches of the river, large lenok is found. In the vicinity of Khabarovsk Fish of various families are found in the Amur – these are catfish, pike, carp, and sturgeon.
This diversity is nowhere else to meet. All types of fishing are applicable here, especially spinning, bottom gear, as well as the usual float rod are popular.
Depending on the location, you need to grab the entire existing arsenal of gear with you. Sometimes a large minnow fish is caught, and the fishing rod is necessary if the bumps are all around. It happens that the spinning – silence, and the bait – the fish bite even on the coast. A little later, the bait stops pecking, the fish moves away from the shore, then spinning helps out.
If you fish in the same place, you can already notice by time at what time at what distance the bite. The main thing to remember and in the next visit we will know approximately where to fish.
Although with warming up of water and different water levels, the biting places can change. And if we talk about pike, perch and perch, then this fish can be easily caught in most of the waters of the region. They live in stagnant water near the reeds and algae.
The success of fishing here, you can say, is always guaranteed. It remains only to choose the route, the reservoir for fishing and prey, which you need to catch. If you are new to fishing, then you will always come to the aid of educational materials: Secrets of successful fishing, where you will be able to comprehend all the subtleties of fishing.
Grayling lives in the spring in wintering pits, pools and grassy places. In the summer he swims into fleeting places and catches flies at night. In bad weather, the fish refuses to peck and betray their presence only when the sky clears.
By the way, the Amur grayling, unlike its other brethren, has a golden color. Find out what is the fishing in the Khabarovsk region is best, going there personally. This is a mass of pleasure, fresh taiga air and tasty ear.

Fishing in still water
What is different fishing in stagnant water First of all, it was noticed that the…


Baikal fishing
The sun, calm and silence. And only occasionally you can hear the crackle of ice,…


Self-made feeding trough from a disposable syringe
Today, almost all anglers who prefer bottom fishing use feeders for feeding fish. In any…
