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What to put on the coil? What is the difference between fishing line and braid?

For many decades, fishermen from all over the world caught on a nylon fishing line and were quite pleased. But as they say – progress does not stand still. Not worth it in relation to fishing gear and accessories. Not only does the regular fishing line improve its qualities every year and is already being produced for almost all areas of fishing, micro fiber has also emerged, from which they began to produce a fishing braid (cord).
It happened about 20 years ago. It was then that technologies for the production of polyethylene fibers became available. For the production of braided fishing line for fishing, three types of such materials are used: Spectra, Daynema and PE. These are patented brands of fibers produced by various chemical concerns.
Manufacturers of fishing cords buy these finished fibers and weave their threads of different diameter and quality. The original material is white. In the process of braided yarn production, it is dyed to the desired color (brown, green, orange …) and can be covered with a protective sheath.
Today, manufacturers of such cords are not enough. The most common are Power Pro, Fire Line and Sufix. But there are a dozen more good and not very manufacturers. Although according to trademark statements, the quality of fishing braids should improve from year to year, in practice, often wattle, bought in years past, shows itself better than modern. In addition, in the markets and in the shops are full of fakes for well-known companies. But, nevertheless, it is quite possible to find quality products. And for many types of fishing, only cord will be best.
For example, many lovers of spinning and artificial bait switched to a braid. The best game of spinners and precision casting – that’s what makes the fishing cord so popular. But this is not the main thing.
Fishing line and fishing cord. The main difference from fishing line is:
Increased strength, with the same diameter;
Zero extensibility;
The possibility of grinding rings on the rod;
Tendency to collecting garbage and small particles in water;
Freezing in the cold.
As you can see, there is a braided fishing line and advantages and disadvantages.
First, it is increased strength. Indeed, with the appearance of such threads, it became possible to catch any fish, including sea “monsters”. The possibility of using a smaller diameter while maintaining the same breaking load makes it possible to wind a large length of cord onto the spool. Tokoy braided compared to the thicker monoleskoy better removed from the reel when casting, and the tackle flies farther.
Not stretchable braided yarn for fishing gives it just great sensitivity when biting fish. Even a small fish such as a white bream or roach is excellent in announcing its presence as an angler. Moreover, this sensitivity gear almost does not depend on the range of fishing. But this medal has another side. When catching large fish, the entire load on smoothing its jerks rests on the flexibility of the rod and the friction clutch of the coil. Regular fishing line while its stretchability helps the angler not to stay with a bare hook. But all the same for bottom fishing types, for example, when carp fishing or fishing on the feeder, it is the sensitivity of the braid that is most appreciated and is used very often.
Because of its braided structure, the cord has an uneven surface. With constant passage through the ringlets of the rod, such a “comb” can wipe them. Therefore, increasing demands on the quality of the rings. They must be branded and made of durable SiC or Gold Cermet materials.
Because of the same uneven structure, the braid clings to itself small particles that float in the water. Especially with the flowering of various plants, after pulling tackle on the ringlets, bundles of such garbage can remain.
Well, another small drawback braided fishing line. She does not tolerate frosts. Water just freezes on it. The coils on the coil are glued together with ice, and on the ringlets, the accumulated moisture creates pieces of ice. In such situations, the cord is treated with a special spray for winter fishing.
And the latter is the price. Pletenka can cost much more expensive fishing line. But it will also serve much longer, giving in some situations undeniable advantages for good fishing.

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