The choice of gear for catching on the current
A special type of fishing on the current requires a special outfit, ranging from a…

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Preparing for spring carp fishing
Probably everyone knows these principles of spring fishing. But today we will try to talk…

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Fishing in the Khabarovsk Territory
The Khabarovsk Territory is a corner of our country, clean from industrial pollution, with magnificent…

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The choice of gear for catching on the current
A special type of fishing on the current requires a special outfit, ranging from a…


large and heavy reel

Match Fishing Tips

The material contains answers to frequently asked questions by young anglers. The topics discussed will be of interest to those who already have the experience and skills of fishing. Difference of opinion on the same question helps to find useful truth.
Which match rod (light, medium, heavy) is better for fishing on the river, if you catch bream, roach or line?
How to choose a coil to match the fishing rod, so as not to spoil the line?
If there are three identical floats of different weight, which one will be more sensitive?
Is there a relationship between the internal diameter of the shock absorber, which is equipped with a rod and the size of the fish you plan to catch?
Catching a plug into the drive requires a large amount of free space for detachable knees and other equipment. Standing in the water, it will be a torment. The only option is to catch from a long and wide bridge. Fishing for match fishing rod
Which match rod (light, medium, heavy) is better for fishing on the river, if you catch bream, roach or line? Continue reading

Selection of fly fishing rods
There are so many tackles in real fishermen for catching this or that fish, and…


Match Fishing Tips
The material contains answers to frequently asked questions by young anglers. The topics discussed will…


Diamond cut
Caranx is a fish from the order of perciformes, family of mackerel. Residents of the…
