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Inflatable boat. Proper storage – the key to good health!

If the inflatable swimming craft is not properly stored, its operational life will be significantly reduced. This is due to the imminent emergence of not only multiple failures in the boat, but also increased wear of the materials from which it was made.
Inflatable boat
Recommendations for proper storage
At the end of the season, it is necessary to clean the boat of various impurities by rinsing with running water and removing the sand that is present in the gaps between the bottom and sides. Also free the hull of the boat from silt, mud, fuel oil, salt, grass, fuel traces. Wash swimming means need to be inflated. After that, dry the boat, leaning it against the wall and allowing the water to flow down.
Boat storage
Spots from pollution will not only contribute to the deterioration of the appearance of the boat, but may also prevent the detection of visible faults. To eliminate stains, as a rule, use warm water with pre-dissolved soap in it. In order to remove persistent dirt, you can use gentle cleaning products with no or negligible content in their composition abrasives. Do not use organic solvents, such as acetone or gasoline. Drying
Make sure that the regulator (tape), which is designed to connect the bottom of the product with its sides, dries very carefully. Next, the swimming tool must be blown off and, turning the seamy side out, and also turning off the valves, leave it in the open air for another few hours. This is necessary to completely dry the surface of the material and eliminate even insignificant condensate.
Boat drying
Elimination of defects
Now that the boat is completely dry, inspect it for cracks, scuffs, scratches and other defects. Small cracks are best eliminated immediately, without waiting for the next season. The fact is that during the storage period, the material from which the inflatable boat is made can dry out a lot, which makes it even harder to remove even insignificant cracks. Next, sprinkle the surface of the swimming agent with talcum powder, and place some mineral in the chambers.
Elimination of defects
Storage conditions
It is best to store the inflatable swimming means in a room with a moderate degree of humidity (35-80%). Air temperature can vary from 0 to 25 degrees. In this case, the boat should be left unfolded and leaned slightly against a wall or some surface. If this is not possible, purchase a special case designed for safe storage of such products.
When storing the boat should not get direct ultraviolet radiation. Keep the product at a sufficient distance (at least one meter) from any heating and heating devices. Chemically active substances (alkalis, gasoline, kerosene, etc.) should not be allowed to fall on the inflatable boat.
Before packing the boat into the cover, try to fold it as loosely as possible, thereby reducing the chance of microcrack formation. Remember, the greater the radius of curvature on the folds of the folded product, the less the risk of cracks and scuffs on it.
To prevent the occurrence of these defects once every couple months, the boat needs to be repacked. Pay attention that the new folds do not coincide with the old ones. Also during the repacking period, ventilate the camera inside and change the air in it several times (a couple-three will be enough).
Storage configuration
Also from all sorts of pollution should be made thorough cleaning of auxiliary parts (fur, seats, oars, etc.). First you need to rinse and dry well, and then – pack.
Following the above recommendations, the inflatable swimming means will remain in operation for a long period. You can protect it from the appearance of various defects and enjoy easy and safe movement in the aquatic area!

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