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Preparing for spring carp fishing

Probably everyone knows these principles of spring fishing. But today we will try to talk in detail about the carp’s behavior in the spring, in order to fully meet ice-free reservoirs and have time before the ban to indulge oneself with several “test” tails.
First of all, you need to understand that with the onset of warming the carp every day more and more intensively begins to prepare for spawning. Therefore, carp fishing can be divided into “before spawning” and “after spawning”.
From the moment of snow melting, the water level in the water bodies rises, and the coastal areas turn out to be under water. In such places, the water warms faster and food can be found more. Karpov at such a time can not rarely be found in shallow water, the water is still cool and the fish eats often, but in small portions. The carp is preparing for spawning and the place for food in the belly of the carp is less and less. Caviar and milt increase, and the closer the spawning, the smaller the portions in the diet. Accordingly, in carping, this factor should be taken into account. But this applies only to adult mature individuals (weighing more than 1 kg), but on the contrary, small carp feeds almost all spring and is more active with warming. It is these carpies up to a kilogram, basically, that are the result of carp fishing in spring.
The water in the spring is clear and transparent, so the gear should be less visible. Spring tops should be “miniature” and less suspicious. It is not necessary to stick bright foam balls on the hooks, it is better to implant a large worm or several medium ones, at this time, together with the crown, they attract the carp well. It is better to put hooks No. 6 instead of No. 4 (according to the international system), and it is advisable to use one hook with a short lead (approximately 5-6 cm). As a rule, the depths for throwing the makushatnik at such a time need to choose a small 2-3 meters maximum, respectively, and making noise with such fishing is not desirable. But about the edge of the pits do not forget. Although spring carp and kept more warm water, he does not cease to go in and out of the pits, and walk along the brovok.Spring fishing
We have already said that at this time the carp is not so mobile and is saturated rather quickly. Respectively, the top hat with bait should be used only on the course. On stagnant water, you can feed the fish from the shore, but the composition of the bait should attract more fish than to feed it. For example, the same hemp grains perfectly attract carp and speed up digestion in them. They can be mixed with sports bait (small fraction), but the barley and corn with more cold water is better not to add to the bait. It is also not necessary when fishing for carp to add fish meal, dried blood or similar flavors to bait. Such additives are good for predators and white fish, and their appearance in the carp zone is not at all desirable.
After the water warms up sufficiently, and this is a temperature of about 20 degrees, the spawning period of carps begins. This time is in May or June, and you can forget about carp fishing during this period. And the young carp ceases to feed. After spawning, the fish rests for about two weeks, and the bite begins to intensify. At this time it is better to switch to more summer sweet-fruit aromas in the bait. You can already use sprays with summer aromas of vanilla, strawberry, plum, honey, etc.
In the spring, especially in the first half of it, in bad weather and after the rains, the bite subsides, and on the pond it makes no sense to wait for a normal fish. Warm and warm again contributes to the activation of the bite. If in the summer after heat and rain, the biting can be activated, then in the spring, on the contrary, it fades away.

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