Spinning fishing on pike
Spinning fishing on pike Gambling anglers are closer in spirit to spinning pike fishing -…

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Fishing in the winter. How to catch a chub?
Summer is considered to be the best time to catch a chub, however, with the…

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Spinning fishing on pike
Spinning fishing on pike Gambling anglers are closer in spirit to spinning pike fishing -…

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Sweeteners in fishing
The modern fisherman needs not only to study well the habits of the fish and…


best biting happens

Summer bream fishing

Summer bream angling in non-flowing and flowing water bodies is quite different from each other. Say, in the river, in the daytime, he tries to stick to one section, while in the lake or in the reservoir one can observe his active movement. In the morning and evening feeding bream prefers to appear in shallow areas, while closer to noon he likes the deep-water areas more. In the case of a sharp change in the weather, he generally falls into the pits.
Choosing a place for future fishing, it should be remembered that the bream prefers to feed near the ravines close to the shore. The most intense seasons of the bream are the first two summer months: June and July. True, much depends on the climate of the region. Morning and evening dawn, as well as night are considered to be the best time to go. At this time, the fish comes closest to the shore. Continue reading

Fishing is the best outdoor recreation.

It is known that many men are happy to spend time on the beach with a fishing rod. Fishing for not only the process of catching fish, but the opportunity to relax and forget about the problems, hide from the eyes of others, merge with nature. Our country is incredibly rich …
It is known that many men are happy to spend time on the beach with a fishing rod. Fishing for not only the process of catching fish, but the opportunity to relax and forget about the problems, hide from the eyes of others, merge with nature. Our country is incredibly rich in huge and small water bodies, lakes and rivers, in which the most diverse fish swims.
Undoubtedly, the Astrakhan region is considered the best place for fishing, there even the most unlucky fisherman will catch the catch. The rivers are full of fish of different varieties, the Volga River is particularly famous. Continue reading

To make fishing fun

Ice fishing – a popular form of recreation in our country. However, people do not always know how to organize it. Ice fishing requires particularly strict adherence to the rules of behavior.
When planning a fishing trip, warn family or friends about your whereabouts and return time. Be sure to bring along a mobile phone and a life jacket. Try not to go fishing one by one – a friend will always hedge in case of an emergency. Continue reading

Portable chairs for fishing
Morning dawn on the river bank. The sun is still only marked by a soft…


Match Fishing Tips
The material contains answers to frequently asked questions by young anglers. The topics discussed will…


Interesting facts about fishing
Fishing is an entertaining and interesting hobby of many men. Useful leisure, combined with an…
