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Fishing in june
June - spit on fish - many fishermen know this proverb. And indeed, if you…


Fishing in june

June – spit on fish – many fishermen know this proverb. And indeed, if you think logically, after spring spawning, the fish needs to recover. She, as they say, is sick. But, based on my own experience, I can say one thing – you can catch fish at any time of the year, including in June, with any gear. My only advice about fishing in June is to fish at this time of the year more at the rates, moreover, look for shallow lakes where the water has already managed to warm up for a long time. I do not know about carp, cupid, etc., but you catch some crucian carp. And this is so unpretentious fish that you can catch it absolutely in any weather. The crucian carp is not as dramatic as a carp, experiencing a water recession, is not tied to any specific food, therefore, dear fishermen, catch crucian carps in June (in my opinion one of the most delicious fish).
As for the situation on the river … In June, very good catches can be expected near the banks, reeds, in the shallows. At the depth you can also try to catch, but it will not be as effective. The fish is very well caught near steep shores, especially where there are fallen trees in the water. I love to catch in such places in the wiring. Virtually every wiring ends with a bite. But, once again, I need to find such a place. If you are lucky to stumble upon a flock of roach or busters, believe, you will be satisfied with the catch. Only, do not overfeed the fish. It even happens that you don’t have to feed fish on a river at all, the main thing is to successfully land.
What is caught in June? Personally, all summer I prefer to catch on the moldy worm on the river. But, just to fish bigger, I put 5-6 pieces on the hook. This brings good results. I will give a little advice to novice anglers: on the course, a sting hook, hiding is absolutely optional. The moving nozzle fish attacks without fear. On still water, quite the opposite. It is impossible that the fish injected. She has plenty of time to explore your bait. Also, I do not neglect to fish for barley, steamed and run-in breadcrumbs. Very often a large roach and bream fall on such a nozzle. On a bet, I prefer to catch on “sandwiches” – two or three maggots, and I wear a so-called ottoman on the sting,
or, ka fishermen nicknamed him, fishing popcorn. Garlic flavor brings very good results, and by the end of June, you can begin to catch both honey and vanilla. Also, the protein mastyrka, which keeps on the hook very well and attracts fish very well, has proven itself very well. And, nevertheless, I also begin to catch her at the end of the month.
June fishing
Oh, yes … how did I forget … of course, there is still a universal nozzle – this is a worm, preferably dung or red. They always bite the worm. And if you hang a pair on a hook, then you can expect quite a serious bite. This applies to both the river and the pond.
Also, in late May – early June, catfish starts being caught. I am going to catch him around six to seven o’clock in the evening. More precisely, at about seven o’clock already make a cast. I usually catch up to one o’clock – up to two nights, sometimes, with a good bite, I can see it through until the morning. Very good at fishing for catfish, a bunch of worms, slightly scorched chicken butts and skins work. Many fishermen catch a roasted sparrow, which justifies the wildest expectations. But I, myself, am not very good at killing birds. It is a pity for a worm, but here – a sparrow … In general, I caught a catfish on a worm, I caught it well, and I will catch on … by the way, very often in June, during catfish fishing, a bream comes across a worm. Personally, I recently pulled one for 4 kg 300 g.
And yet, I can not, of course, not remember about the toothy beauty – pike. In June, she is well caught. And in the heat and in
cloudy weather all day. Water, after all, is not yet warmed up. Moreover, you can catch it anywhere, and under the shore, and in the middle of the river. She takes prey at this time, as a rule, very greedily. The natural colors of wobblers or silvery baubles work best.
Again, I tell about fishing in the eastern part of Ukraine. Surely, there are some differences in each region, but, in general, I am sure they are not significant. So, catch fish both in June, and in the winter, and in the winter on usual “float” on the open river (I will write about it still), in general, at any time of the year. After all, the main thing is what? – To the soul rejoiced. And, of course, take care of nature. After all, you live with her … No tail, no scales, you, dear fishermen …

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