Winter fishing roach
A dace is a schooling fish and its search can be crowned with success only…

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The hunter's imprisonment
In its variety of fishing methods, winter fishing is by no means inferior to open-water…

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I want to go fishing for white fish
We decided to go fishing for white fish. What does white fish mean? Fishermen call…

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Selection of fly fishing rods
There are so many tackles in real fishermen for catching this or that fish, and…


on the frog

Fishing in august

Still warm but cool in the evening
Gradually, the summer heat subsides. At first it is almost imperceptible, but it will rain – and day by day the coolness will become more insistent. In the meantime, a clear and hot August is a welcome time. This month, bread is harvested. Hot midday hot breathes all the herbs, dry lands and ravines have not yet burnt out.
The coolest time of the day is observed before the morning dawn, although it is fresh throughout the night.
In the lowlands and floodplains, fog spreads in the evening, wrapping herbs, bushes and trees. Abundant dew then long kept on mature greenery. Despite the coolness of the night, the days are set clear, warm.
Summer is gradually leaving. Evenings are now short, it takes longer to wait for the morning. But how bright and cheerful it is in the deep August sky! As if autumn is not expected. Continue reading

Fishing line
In order to catch a line, it is necessary to choose areas on the border…


Inflatable boat. Proper storage - the key to good health!
If the inflatable swimming craft is not properly stored, its operational life will be significantly…


Fishing carp.
What can be unusual in the behavior of the most ordinary fish? The carp is…
