Portable chairs for fishing
Morning dawn on the river bank. The sun is still only marked by a soft…

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Interesting facts about fishing
Fishing is an entertaining and interesting hobby of many men. Useful leisure, combined with an…

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Fishing in june
June - spit on fish - many fishermen know this proverb. And indeed, if you…

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I want to go fishing for predatory fish
We decided to go fishing for predatory fish. Where is the predatory fish? In rivers…


How to limit the casting distance spinning?

Whatever type of fishing we would use, sooner or later the question of the accuracy of the casting of tackles will arise. When catching bottom gear (with the help of a makushatnik, feeder feeder, hair mounting) this question is most relevant. But also when fishing for long-distance casting with a float or during a luster, it is often necessary to limit the casting distance of the gear. For this purpose there is a clip on the inertia-free coil, but there is another method of fixation. Let’s see which one.
This method uses the usual gum, which is wound on a spool. You can use the bank gum, which are sold in stationery. This is done very simply: after casting to the required range, we make a rubber band a few turns around the spool, until a tight stretch is obtained. And on the last turn of the cling gum clip.
When we make a cast, the cord or fishing line is exhausted before the elastic band restriction. If a large fish sits on a hook and you need to let the fishing line go, the gum is easily cut off by hand and the friction clutch starts working.
Turns of a bank rezikayarezinka for fishing with the coil
When is a rubber band better than regular clipping with a fishing line or braid for a clip?
If you catch on heavy equipment in combination with a thin fishing line or cord, then using the clip in the standard way (the line or braid itself clings to the clip), a break in the assembly can occur. This is especially true for beginners, who are still not always able to calculate the force of the casting of the spinning.
If you are using a heavy makushatnik, a feeder trough or just a weighty sinker, then to prevent cliffs with a strong cast, it is better to put the gum on the clip. Of course, if you are throwing a small load, for example when catching spinning with a lure, then you can do with a normal clip.
This is mainly used for bottom gear. For fishing on the bottom gear often use different types of feeders. This may be typical feeders for the feeder, feeders “method”, and bait in the PVA packages. It is necessary to lure one and tighter point. Previously it is found by tapping the bottom or a marker rod. Even the correct catch on the top of the head, implies a throwing of the cake in one and the same place. Therefore, the casting distance has to be limited. And the direction of casting is done on a landmark on the opposite bank.
For fishing using feeders try to use thinner fishing lines and cords. This gives less windage tackle on the course and it becomes possible to use lighter troughs or weights. But this increases the likelihood of shooting trough due to the lower strength of the main line.

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With spinning on the Pechenegs
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