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With son on fishing

What do modern children do in their free time? They spend a huge amount of time in front of the TV, computer monitor or gadget in their hands. And at the same time, many of them never even held fishing rods in their hands. But the boy is the future man and from birth the hunter or fisherman instinct is laid in him.
Of course, children cannot be blamed for the fact that their life is so monotonous. This is only the omission of the parents. Every dad should remember that participation in raising his son is his holy duty and to spend his free time spending time with him and fishing.
Subtleties of the organization of the first fishing
The first fishing of a child should be organized as an adventure. You can go on nature with the whole family, organize gatherings around the campfire and overnight in tents. But at the same time, the child must be at least five years old, otherwise the adventure may turn into a constant crying and mutual desire to get home soon.
In addition to fishing rods and gear in a hiking backpack should be put:
protective agent against mosquitoes and ticks;
iodine, peroxide, bandage;
warm clothes and something to change.
It is important to take care of nutrition. You can take everything so that you can cook your ear on the fire or shish kebab. Be sure to take the bread, raw potatoes, salt, tea, sugar. Fresh vegetables and fruits, cookies will not be superfluous.
How should the first fishing take place
It is clear that hunting a predatory fish is not yet on the shoulder of a young fisherman, and therefore it is necessary to start fishing from the shore to the bottom gear or the usual fishing pole with a float. It is not necessary for the first time to start fishing from a boat, or organize winter fishing. Everything should be without risk and extreme.
The kid, going fishing, has already imagined how much he will catch fish. Try not to disappoint him and in advance find a place where there will be a bite, as a last resort, go to a paid reservoir of fisheries. In general, try to do everything so that your son does not remain without a catch.
Fishing is excitement, the child will feel like a getter, and a long stay in the fresh air exhausts his rage and gives him pleasant fatigue. Yes, and dad just get a lot of fun. It is so nice to see joy in the eyes of your child, to give him and yourself a small joint holiday.
And how happy mother will be! And while she is in the kitchen to engage in catch, and the young fisherman to rest after a busy day, dad can devote time to himself. Now you can play a computer game. For example, to enjoy playing in a casino, playing a volcano slot machine for free to play online – and what if you get lucky and hit a good jackpot.
And after that, you can go to the kitchen, to your mother, and cook the fish caught all together. The child will precisely remember this day as one of the most fascinating and happy in his life. And after a while, he will start calling his father to go fishing.
Do not deny him this. But the next time you should definitely take your mother and cook a real, tasty fish soup on the fire together and eat it in the open air. For children there is nothing more expensive than to feel the love and care of parents, which is manifested in such a joint pastime.

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How to lure fish in the winter?
Many, going on winter fishing, must take with them bait in the form of boiled…
