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Secrets of catching lin

Basically, in rivers and other water bodies, lines reach a weight of 600 grams, but there are individuals that weigh up to two kilograms. Identifying tench is easy enough. Lin is characterized by a short, fleshy body with a dull head. The body of the fish is covered with small scales and a layer of mucus.
Places and periods of fishing
Lakes, calm river backwaters, channels, overgrown and silted old river beds, are habitat tench. In small and calm rivers, the tench tries to be in their mainstream. To meet a tench in the riverbed of a large river, which has an average current is almost impossible. In the reservoir, tench lives separately, gathering in small flocks in spring, before spawning and in the spawning period.
For fishing line is of great importance time period. This fish actively pecks in the last decade of May for 7–12 days. It happens that the active phase falls on the penultimate decade of May, but this happens much less frequently. The period of autumn active biting comes at the end of August. Weather during such periods should be quiet and good. During the spring bite, the fish take the bait more actively in the morning, and in the fall, the peak of activity occurs in the evening between seven and ten o’clock.
Bait and tackle used when fishing
Tackle used when fishing
As bait when catching tench, a crayfish neck, maggots and manure worms are used. With good, stable weather, a small tench prefers to hold on to a meter depth, next to last year’s grass and where the bottom is covered with foliage. When fishing for such a tench, it is possible to use not only earthworms, but also bloodworms, which catch several pieces on a hook.
When catching a tench, up to three float rods are used simultaneously. Fishing rods are equipped with a fishing line having a diameter of 0.17 mm to 0.2 mm and a hook corresponding to the bait. The float is used in small size, having a spindle shape. The color used for catching float is important. The float should be clearly visible on the water in conditions of poor visibility. It makes it easier to solve this problem using floats with balls on the antenna or tail. Not bad proved the use of floats, which are equipped with “fireflies.”
When fishing, the fisherman must observe silence. Lin, finding the bait, can take it in his mouth, and then let go. This behavior of fish can last quite a long time. In this case, the float barely trembles, and small circles appear on the water, which quickly disappear. Lin can leave the bait in case of an injection on the hook or if she didn’t like him, but with patience you can wait for the bites to resume.
For a reliable hook line, you need to take the time to hook the fish. Before hooking allow the tench, taking the bait, to swim about a meter. In the outfit of the angler must be present a large and easy landing net. Activate the bite of the line allows the use of bait. As it uses a mixture of porridge, bread and olive oil.

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