The hunter's imprisonment
In its variety of fishing methods, winter fishing is by no means inferior to open-water…

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How to fish a fish?
What angler does not dream of catching a big fish? Such that fishing will be…

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10 tips on how to jig perch!
Many fishermen catch pike perch from the shore with silicone baits, but some of them…

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Match Fishing Tips
The material contains answers to frequently asked questions by young anglers. The topics discussed will…


Tips on choosing a used outboard motor

When buying a device such as a boat motor, do not rush. Especially if this product is used, there is no unambiguous advice when choosing such motors, but there are special moments that you should pay attention to when buying them. There are two types of used motors:
– motors that were not used very often, or simply lay in the warehouse for a long time;
– often motors are used, but sold due to some combination of circumstances: severe damage, the purchase of a new engine, the sale of boats, and others.
Used boat motors should be considered only if the motor was stored in a warehouse or in another heated room. If this room was not heated, it means that every winter this motor froze and thawed several times, and there is a rather big risk that such a device is either in very bad condition or not working at all.
Such faults can be identified by disassembling such an engine (which happens infrequently at the time of purchase), or by ear during start-up. The engine, which repeatedly froze, will be subject to corrosion, and especially bearings, ringing or grinding of which everyone can hear.
Naturally, such a motor should not be bought, but if everything is good with it, then such a device will serve you for a long time and at the same time it will be much cheaper than a new one.
There are also several breakdowns that can be detected by carefully examining such a device:
– tar deposits in the fuel and exhaust systems at the first start, difficult start of the engine will indicate that the fuel system of this engine was not properly dried, and tar deposits settled on the walls of the system and nozzles;
– too much lubrication is also not a sign of good care of the engine, but on the contrary, it shows that the maintenance was done either right before your arrival, or a very long time, but in large quantities, it is not only ineffective, but also bad for parts. This lubricant is quickly removed and exposes the surface, which, in turn, will immediately be subject to water corrosion;
– mechanical damage. Damage to the motor housing will indicate that such a motor has fallen, and internal damage may be present.
Periodically, the owner does seasonal maintenance in a specialized service center, usually with such a procedure put a stamp in the technical passport, if such stamps are present – feel free to buy such a motor, the previous owner took care of it. Do not forget about the maintenance of used devices and the replacement of consumables.

I want to go fishing for white fish
We decided to go fishing for white fish. What does white fish mean? Fishermen call…


Selection of fly fishing rods
There are so many tackles in real fishermen for catching this or that fish, and…


How to fish a fish?
What angler does not dream of catching a big fish? Such that fishing will be…
