Diamond cut
Caranx is a fish from the order of perciformes, family of mackerel. Residents of the…

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I want to go fishing for white fish
We decided to go fishing for white fish. What does white fish mean? Fishermen call…

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Equipment for winter fishing
Backpack and fishing box The choice of a backpack or box should be approached with…

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The hunter's imprisonment
In its variety of fishing methods, winter fishing is by no means inferior to open-water…


fisherman will be forced

How to limit the casting distance spinning?

Whatever type of fishing we would use, sooner or later the question of the accuracy of the casting of tackles will arise. When catching bottom gear (with the help of a makushatnik, feeder feeder, hair mounting) this question is most relevant. But also when fishing for long-distance casting with a float or during a luster, it is often necessary to limit the casting distance of the gear. For this purpose there is a clip on the inertia-free coil, but there is another method of fixation. Let’s see which one.
This method uses the usual gum, which is wound on a spool. You can use the bank gum, which are sold in stationery. This is done very simply: after casting to the required range, we make a rubber band a few turns around the spool, until a tight stretch is obtained. And on the last turn of the cling gum clip.
When we make a cast, the cord or fishing line is exhausted before the elastic band restriction. Continue reading

Insect fishing nozzle

In nature, there are countless insects, of which a significant part in one or another phase of development can be used as a good nozzle when fishing. This review includes only some species of insects that have been tested as a bait by the experience of many anglers and are found in large numbers.
Fisherman, in addition to the name of insects, it is useful to get acquainted with their biological nature, with the development of the insect during the entire life cycle. This will allow you to know the time and methods of extraction and use of not only the species described in the review, but also other insects useful in fishing.
Upon completion of development in the egg, i.e. the embryonic phase, hatching occurs; from this point on, the insect enters the second stage of its development – the larva phase, from which the post-embryonic, or postembryonic, period begins. Continue reading

Preparing for spring carp fishing

Probably everyone knows these principles of spring fishing. But today we will try to talk in detail about the carp’s behavior in the spring, in order to fully meet ice-free reservoirs and have time before the ban to indulge oneself with several “test” tails.
First of all, you need to understand that with the onset of warming the carp every day more and more intensively begins to prepare for spawning. Therefore, carp fishing can be divided into “before spawning” and “after spawning”.
From the moment of snow melting, the water level in the water bodies rises, and the coastal areas turn out to be under water. Continue reading

Fishing? Intellectual challenge!
Carp fishing is a science. Carp - smart fish and extremely capricious. Karpfishing as an…


Inflatable boat. Proper storage - the key to good health!
If the inflatable swimming craft is not properly stored, its operational life will be significantly…


How to fish a fish?
What angler does not dream of catching a big fish? Such that fishing will be…
