Fishing in the Khabarovsk Territory
The Khabarovsk Territory is a corner of our country, clean from industrial pollution, with magnificent…

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How to lure fish in the winter?
Many, going on winter fishing, must take with them bait in the form of boiled…

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Fishing in the winter. How to catch a chub?
Summer is considered to be the best time to catch a chub, however, with the…

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Portable chairs for fishing
Morning dawn on the river bank. The sun is still only marked by a soft…


you’re on the hook!

Congratulations, you’re on the hook!

Sometimes, even among professionals, unfounded rumors can be born. Confirmation of this fact wording – “all gear is replaceable.” Of course, instead of the rod you can adjust the nearby birch tree. Instead of a fishing line, the anchor chain of the ship is quite suitable, or the same in terms of parameters, taken from the native neck. But what about crochet? The silly representative of the class of aquatic vertebrates (in the sense of fish) fundamentally ignores any innovations and still clings exclusively to the banal hook …
A bit of history
According to Congratulations, you’re on the hook!, the hook was invented about 20,000 years ago. With such a statement, you can agree or not – eyewitnesses are not found. Continue reading

Fishing line
In order to catch a line, it is necessary to choose areas on the border…


July fishing
July is probably the very month of the summer season, when the sun is warming…


Fishing is the best outdoor recreation.
It is known that many men are happy to spend time on the beach with…
