Match Fishing Tips
The material contains answers to frequently asked questions by young anglers. The topics discussed will…

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We catch spring pike
Spring is the best time to catch pike. During the winter, the fish became hungry…

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Congratulations, you're on the hook!
Sometimes, even among professionals, unfounded rumors can be born. Confirmation of this fact wording -…

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Diamond cut
Caranx is a fish from the order of perciformes, family of mackerel. Residents of the…


do not get up

Fishing in june

June – spit on fish – many fishermen know this proverb. And indeed, if you think logically, after spring spawning, the fish needs to recover. She, as they say, is sick. But, based on my own experience, I can say one thing – you can catch fish at any time of the year, including in June, with any gear. My only advice about fishing in June is to fish at this time of the year more at the rates, moreover, look for shallow lakes where the water has already managed to warm up for a long time. I do not know about carp, cupid, etc., but you catch some crucian carp. And this is so unpretentious fish that you can catch it absolutely in any weather. The crucian carp is not as dramatic as a carp, experiencing a water recession, is not tied to any specific food, therefore, dear fishermen, catch crucian carps in June (in my opinion one of the most delicious fish). Continue reading

To make fishing fun

Ice fishing – a popular form of recreation in our country. However, people do not always know how to organize it. Ice fishing requires particularly strict adherence to the rules of behavior.
When planning a fishing trip, warn family or friends about your whereabouts and return time. Be sure to bring along a mobile phone and a life jacket. Try not to go fishing one by one – a friend will always hedge in case of an emergency. Continue reading

Tips on choosing a used outboard motor
When buying a device such as a boat motor, do not rush. Especially if this…


Spinning fishing on pike
Spinning fishing on pike Gambling anglers are closer in spirit to spinning pike fishing -…


Self-made feeding trough from a disposable syringe
Today, almost all anglers who prefer bottom fishing use feeders for feeding fish. In any…
