Fishing line
In order to catch a line, it is necessary to choose areas on the border…

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Insect fishing nozzle
In nature, there are countless insects, of which a significant part in one or another…

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Secrets of catching lin
Basically, in rivers and other water bodies, lines reach a weight of 600 grams, but…

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Fishing in june
June - spit on fish - many fishermen know this proverb. And indeed, if you…


great lack of nutrition

Fishing carp.

What can be unusual in the behavior of the most ordinary fish? The carp is known to everyone since childhood, and it was this fish that was for many the first fishing trophy. Good fertility and ubiquity – forcing many, is not very respectful of this fish. Although crucian carp is already a worthy opponent for any angler. Strength, endurance and ingenuity – this is what makes many people look for meetings with this fish.
The word “crucian” has a masculine gender, but there is still debate about whether there are crucians males. Indeed found many reservoirs where they live alone females. And they spawn together with other fish. Their spawn can be fertilized by a male carp, bream, tench or roach. Although the present fertilization still does not work, the caviar seems to be activated for development, as a result, only a small crucian carp of the female appears.
“Karasin paths” about this, not many people know. Continue reading

With spinning on the Pechenegs
For many fishing enthusiasts, being with spinning on the Pechenezh reservoir in the period of…


Fishing is the best outdoor recreation.
It is known that many men are happy to spend time on the beach with…


With spinning on the Pechenegs
For many fishing enthusiasts, being with spinning on the Pechenezh reservoir in the period of…
