Ice screws - an important element of the fisherman’s winter outfit
In the run-up to winter, many experienced fishermen and amateurs face a difficult task, namely,…

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Sweeteners in fishing
The modern fisherman needs not only to study well the habits of the fish and…

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Diamond cut
Caranx is a fish from the order of perciformes, family of mackerel. Residents of the…

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The hunter's imprisonment
In its variety of fishing methods, winter fishing is by no means inferior to open-water…


finished hole must

Fishing in still water

What is different fishing in stagnant water
First of all, it was noticed that the fish in a closed reservoir does not hold in one place, as is typical for rivers. If river dwellers adapt to the speed of water movement, the depth, then with only one goal – to fill the belly with smaller brethren or vegetable food that carries current. In the reservoir, the goals are the same, conditions change. Flocks of fish, drawn by collective instinct, migrate after their moving food. The flocks of insects that lay off their offspring at the upper water edge, small representatives of the river fauna accumulated at the bottom, and other local cereal places.
It is very important to know the relief of the bottom and the individual preferences of the fish for which you are prepared to communicate. Continue reading

The choice of gear for catching on the current

A special type of fishing on the current requires a special outfit, ranging from a suitable fishing rod, ending with hooks, floats and weights. Yes, and the choice of fishing line is not the last value. Let’s try to figure out what tackles for the tide used by experienced fishermen.
Choosing a fishing rod for the current
A tackle for fishing on a current is first of all a Bologna or a universal fishing pole, which allows fishing both in the far distance in a strong current and in calm water near the coastal line. This is the best option, justifying even the relatively high price of this fishing rod. Successful fishing will be, if properly pick up to her weights and floats. Continue reading

We catch spring pike

Spring is the best time to catch pike. During the winter, the fish became hungry and became very active, while forgetting about caution. At first it may seem that wherever you put your gear, there will be a bite everywhere, but not everything is so simple. It is during the spring months that spawning occurs, and then the pike does not react even to the most “tasty” and attractive lures.
When is the pike and its behavior pecking?
The ideal time is the beginning of March. Rivers and streams are freed from ice, the water is filled with oxygen, and the spawning time has not yet come, and then the fish bite on almost any bait.
The advantage of fishing at such a time is the absence of hot sun, mosquitoes and midges.
Before spawning, the fish is aggressive and very hungry after a long winter, with great eagerness it takes even not very high-quality and cheap bait, because before the appearance of offspring one must have time to satisfy his hunger. Continue reading

As fishing in the wiring for bream turned into a hunt
It was in July. My friend and I decided to go to the river for…


Nature and types of water bodies in central Sweden
The central part of the country consists mainly of forests and agricultural areas. Most of…


I want to go fishing for white fish
We decided to go fishing for white fish. What does white fish mean? Fishermen call…
