Fishing in august
Still warm but cool in the evening Gradually, the summer heat subsides. At first it…

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Insect fishing nozzle
In nature, there are countless insects, of which a significant part in one or another…

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Inflatable boat. Proper storage - the key to good health!
If the inflatable swimming craft is not properly stored, its operational life will be significantly…

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We catch spring pike
Spring is the best time to catch pike. During the winter, the fish became hungry…


individual preferences

Fishing in still water

What is different fishing in stagnant water
First of all, it was noticed that the fish in a closed reservoir does not hold in one place, as is typical for rivers. If river dwellers adapt to the speed of water movement, the depth, then with only one goal – to fill the belly with smaller brethren or vegetable food that carries current. In the reservoir, the goals are the same, conditions change. Flocks of fish, drawn by collective instinct, migrate after their moving food. The flocks of insects that lay off their offspring at the upper water edge, small representatives of the river fauna accumulated at the bottom, and other local cereal places.
It is very important to know the relief of the bottom and the individual preferences of the fish for which you are prepared to communicate. Continue reading

Features catching carp float fishing rod
During the summer period, a crucian is caught using mainly a float rod. This allows,…


Interesting facts about fishing
Fishing is an entertaining and interesting hobby of many men. Useful leisure, combined with an…


Korean winter fishing
Recently, one of the good friends of the site returned from a business trip…
