Fishing in june
June - spit on fish - many fishermen know this proverb. And indeed, if you…

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Why keep fishing records?
In this article we will try to reveal all the advantages of maintaining fishing statistics…

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We catch spring pike
Spring is the best time to catch pike. During the winter, the fish became hungry…

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Fishing in august
Still warm but cool in the evening Gradually, the summer heat subsides. At first it…


know the measure


With the advent of summer, what does a real man need? Of course, fishing! Only she can bring real pleasure after a whole year of hard work. Since most people go on vacation in summer, it is at this time that you can see the river, seeded with rubber boats that sway freely on the waves.
Fish – being unpredictable. In one day you can catch a whole bucket, and in another go empty-handed. So how do you determine when and where to go with a fishing rod? Any lake that has looked at you or a river can become a place. Continue reading

Ice screws - an important element of the fisherman’s winter outfit
In the run-up to winter, many experienced fishermen and amateurs face a difficult task, namely,…


Fishing in the Khabarovsk Territory
The Khabarovsk Territory is a corner of our country, clean from industrial pollution, with magnificent…


We catch spring pike
Spring is the best time to catch pike. During the winter, the fish became hungry…
