How to fish a fish?
What angler does not dream of catching a big fish? Such that fishing will be…

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Inflatable boat. Proper storage - the key to good health!
If the inflatable swimming craft is not properly stored, its operational life will be significantly…

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How to limit the casting distance spinning?
Whatever type of fishing we would use, sooner or later the question of the accuracy…

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Spinning fishing on pike
Spinning fishing on pike Gambling anglers are closer in spirit to spinning pike fishing -…


central sector

Fishing is the best outdoor recreation.

It is known that many men are happy to spend time on the beach with a fishing rod. Fishing for not only the process of catching fish, but the opportunity to relax and forget about the problems, hide from the eyes of others, merge with nature. Our country is incredibly rich …
It is known that many men are happy to spend time on the beach with a fishing rod. Fishing for not only the process of catching fish, but the opportunity to relax and forget about the problems, hide from the eyes of others, merge with nature. Our country is incredibly rich in huge and small water bodies, lakes and rivers, in which the most diverse fish swims.
Undoubtedly, the Astrakhan region is considered the best place for fishing, there even the most unlucky fisherman will catch the catch. The rivers are full of fish of different varieties, the Volga River is particularly famous. Continue reading

Fishing in the Khabarovsk Territory
The Khabarovsk Territory is a corner of our country, clean from industrial pollution, with magnificent…


The choice of gear for catching on the current
A special type of fishing on the current requires a special outfit, ranging from a…


Insect fishing nozzle
In nature, there are countless insects, of which a significant part in one or another…
