Why keep fishing records?
In this article we will try to reveal all the advantages of maintaining fishing statistics…

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Fishing in june
June - spit on fish - many fishermen know this proverb. And indeed, if you…

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How to fish a fish?
What angler does not dream of catching a big fish? Such that fishing will be…

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Fishing in june
June - spit on fish - many fishermen know this proverb. And indeed, if you…


found by tapping

How to limit the casting distance spinning?

Whatever type of fishing we would use, sooner or later the question of the accuracy of the casting of tackles will arise. When catching bottom gear (with the help of a makushatnik, feeder feeder, hair mounting) this question is most relevant. But also when fishing for long-distance casting with a float or during a luster, it is often necessary to limit the casting distance of the gear. For this purpose there is a clip on the inertia-free coil, but there is another method of fixation. Let’s see which one.
This method uses the usual gum, which is wound on a spool. You can use the bank gum, which are sold in stationery. This is done very simply: after casting to the required range, we make a rubber band a few turns around the spool, until a tight stretch is obtained. And on the last turn of the cling gum clip.
When we make a cast, the cord or fishing line is exhausted before the elastic band restriction. Continue reading

Sweeteners in fishing
The modern fisherman needs not only to study well the habits of the fish and…


Ice screws - an important element of the fisherman’s winter outfit
In the run-up to winter, many experienced fishermen and amateurs face a difficult task, namely,…


Nature and types of water bodies in central Sweden
The central part of the country consists mainly of forests and agricultural areas. Most of…
